Emergency Management & Public Safety
Contact Info
Emergency Management Director - Don Gouin (appointed 7/19/2018)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 71, Portland CT 06480-0071
Phone: 860-342-6767
For all emergencies call - 911
For non-emergencies call - 860-347-2541
Fax: 860-262-7222 (only active during emergency events)
Emergency Management
Hurricane Season Begins - Get Serious, Be Prepared
2013 Connecticut Guide to Emergency Preparedness
As of January 1, 2005, The CT Dept. of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) was formed, charged to develop, administer and coordinate a comprehensive statewide Emergency Management and Homeland Security program to encompass all human-made and natural hazards. This creation and consolidation of agencies (formerly known as Civil Preparedness) is in an effort to stream line resources and activities. Portland's Emergency Management Director has worked hard to assure that plans and procedures are in place to protect the people of Portland during a catastrophic event. The town now has a dedicated shelter, an equipped and functional Emergency Operations Center as well as detailed and operational emergency plans.
Our commitment to maintaining an active role in community preparedness includes; being the Middlesex County Fire/Rescue Disaster Coordinator; Secretary for the CT Emergency Management Association; Town liaison to CT Regional Emergency Planning Committee (CREPC) as well as a member of the International Association Emergency Managers.
If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1
Public Health
When Portland joined the Chatham Health District in 2003 for its local health services, we also integrated into Region 36's Bio-terrorism / WMD planning process, leaving the Middletown Region 35 planning district. The purpose of this planning committee is to prepare for mass health related incidents such as smallpox or anthrax or even a more common potential event such as pandemic flu. The Town has plans in place for such emergencies.