To make a formal Freedom of Information request, please submit the request in writing to the First Selectman's Office and either:
a) mail the written request to the First Selectman's Office/FOIA, P.O. Box 71, Portland, CT 06480-0071
b) hand deliver the written request to the First Selectman's Office, 2nd floor of Town Hall, 33 East Main Street
c) fax the written request to the First Selectman's Office: 860-342-6714
d) email the written request to: FOIA.requests@portlandct.org
For your convenience, you may use the FOIA Request Form provided on this page.
In accordance with the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, most public records or files are available to the public for inspection during regular office hours but there is a fee for copies, printouts or transcriptions. Please see the link on this page for the Fee Schedule.
The Town of Portland has no legal obligation to, and will not perform analytical work, studies, investigations, calculations, or program reviews, or create any document in response to a Freedom of Information Request. The Town can charge you the costs of any formatting and/or programming functions and the storage device necessary to comply with your request.
Within four business days of when the request has been received (excludes holidays, weekends), a written acknowledgement of such request from the First Selectman's Office will be sent to the requester. The pertinent town department will research their files for the requested information as soon as possible and advise the requester of its status.