Additional Resources
If you are in need of help, here are some resources you can call direct:
Community Renewal Team, Inc. (CRT)
for Winter Energy Assistance: 44 Hamlin Street, Middletown CT; 860-347-4465
Connecticut Child Support Services
Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO)
450 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford, CT 06103
PHONE: (860) 566-7710
FAX: (860) 566-1997
TDD: (860) 566-7710
Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS)
for financial, medical, food stamps, energy assistance, list of shelters: Portland is part of the Region 3 in the Middletown Service area; Field-Office 2081 South Main Street, Middletown CT;
DSS Client Information Line & Benefits Center:
Call 1-855-6-CONNECT (1-855-626-6632) (TTD/TTY 1-800-842-4524 for persons with speech or hearing difficulties)
Follow the prompts to get the information you need
Connecticut Legal Services
62 Washington Street, Middletown: 860-344-0447
Operation Fuel
Local Office: St. Vincent de Paul, 617 Main Street, Middletown: 860-344-0097
Operation Fuel ensures equitable access to energy for all by providing year-round energy assistance, promoting energy independence, and advocating for affordable energy.
Residential: Operation Fuel provides a one-time grant of up to $500.00 to assist families with their energy bills.
Operation Fuel is energy blind, meaning we assist with all energy types – oil, electric, natural gas, kerosene, wood, propane, pellets, and other energy sources.
If your grant is being applied to an electric or gas utility bill, Operation Fuel’s grant can be used to prevent a shutoff or restore utility service.
Homeless Intervention and Prevention Program (HIPP): Operation Fuel collaborates with agencies whose mission is to work with the homeless population of Connecticut.
These agencies provide case management support and services to individuals and families that are homeless and are faced with complex economic and social issues.
Operation Fuel’s grant is used to assist applicants with past utility arrearage to support the transition into housing from a shelter.
U.S. Social Security Administration
Middletown Office, local # 1-877-692-3145; National Toll-free 1-800-772-1213; TTY 1-860-346-2776
United Way Infoline (CT): 2-1-1
2-1-1 is your one-stop connection to the local services you need, from utility assistance, food, housing, child care, after school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more. 2-1-1 is always ready to assist you find the help you need. Dial 2-1-1 or search online. If you are outside of Connecticut or have a problem using the 2-1-1-number, dial 1-800-203-1234.