People gather to share experiences, socialize and to build community bonds in common green spaces. These public commons are often the glue that holds the community together and the means to maintaining and improving future positive social interactions. Public parks and recreation offers countless value to our citizens and to our country. As advocates and supporters of parks and recreation who live these values every day, we may sometimes take the uncounted benefits of parks and recreation for granted.
In 2006, the Town of Portland Planning and Zoning Commission adopted a 10- year Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD). The POCD included a chapter entitled “Addressing Community Needs” where an action step was to identify additional recreational opportunities. This step was completed in July 2006, when the “Portland Park & Recreation Facility Master Plan”, prepared by LADA, P.C. Land Planners, was completed. It identified the Goodrich property as desirable for passive and active recreational uses and included schematic preliminary designs for potential on-site recreational uses. The Town of Portland acquired a 37-acre property for the development of a new park and recreation complex after an overwhelming 118 – 13 vote at a town meeting in favor to purchasing the Goodrich Property for passive and active recreation. Following the acquisition, the Town completed a public survey and needs assessment for the park and determined the need for additional athletic fields, a skateboard park, play scape, walking trails, a pool facility and pavilion, along with the infrastructure (water wastewater, irrigation, and parking) that will support the project. Based on the public response, the Park and Recreation Commission outlined their priorities for future development and in 2013 the town initiated the master planning process of the park area. The master planning process included a thorough site analysis as well as a robust community engagement and outreach component. Public workshops and site walks were held in order to understand how the proposed program would best fit on the site. This collaboration resulted in the development of a preferred master plan including phasing alternatives for implementation. Read More...